What Success Really Looks Like
After 10 years of Kol HaNearim and struggling every summer like the chart on the left depicts, Pre-Covid, KH started to feel like the...

From the journal of Olivia King
July 16, 2021 | Achuzat Sara During the course of KH, some kids are extremely welcoming, well-mannered, polite and ready to immediately...

A Message from Sonia Shurhavetsky - Director of Communications for Emunah Achuzat Sara
July 16, 2021 | Achuzat Sara From corona to rocket attacks - the last 16 months have been really hard for the at-risk children and...

Rav Yair: How the Summer That Wasn't Meant to Happen, Happened.
July 9, 2021 | Achuzat Sarah This is my 6th summer with KH. Every summer I know what to expect. The challenging beginning. The heat. The...

Out of My Comfort Zone - From the Journal of Lizzy Olshin
July 9th, 2021 | Achuzat Sarah This week, Achuzat Sara hosted a surprise Kochav Nolad (Talent Show). My co-counselor, Yael, and I decided...

Achuzat Sarah | From the Journal of Josh Hyman, Volunteer
July 2, 2021 | Achuzat Sara Shabbat may have begun our week in Achuzat Sarah, but its power is felt every single day. We awaken each...

Achuzat Sarah | Week 2 Round Up by Becca Hershowitz, Coordinator
July 2, 2021 | Achuzat Sarah Last Shabbat was beautiful, filled with quality time, Shiurim, and reflection. and we began this week with a...