Neve Wrap Up - Final Musings
The last few days of Neve Michael were filled with emotions. Tuesday, the older Kevutzot went to Luna Park. The kids and volunteers had a...

Last Day in Paradise
It's hard to believe that 4 weeks after walking through the gates of Achuzat Sara alone, I walk out a new person, humbled to have joined...

Count Your Blessings
Danced a lot during Purim in July Then I saw a kid just sitting on the side Look In his face like he was bouta cry So I took a seat...

Color my World
On the second to last day of the summer we gathered the entire Panimia on the field. Coordinators and volunteers threw red and blue...

Olympics 2017
To kick off our last week with the kids, we went to iJump, which is a massive trampoline complex. Although it was exhausting, both the...

All A-Bored
This summer at Achuzat Sara has been jam packed with a lot of trips, and with trips comes a lot of long bus rides. While these rides...

We Are Family
We got up about 30 minutes earlier than we usual do yesterday morning. On a normal summer day that would be a bummer, but given that I...

A Taste of Goodbye
Today was the 2nd last day that the Pnimiyot Yom kids will be part of our daily routine at Afula. Because of this, we staged a 4th of July...

Coming Home
We just had our last Shabbat at Neve. It's crazy how fast time flies here. Shabbat was filled with even more ruach than usual because of...

Taking Advantage of Every Day
Although Sunday's at Achuzat Sarah are usually calmer days because the kids slowly return after spending Shabbat at home, this Sunday was...