First week at Amit Beit Hayeled

Our first week at Amit Beit Hayeled was a huge success. After arriving at the home Saturday Night and spending Sunday getting settled our kids finally arrived Monday afternoon much to the volunteers joy. Although it took some time for the kids to feel comfortable around their new American friends, Once the ice was broken, memories and friendships formed. On Tuesday the boys went to a waterpark while the girls spent the day at the home doing fun activities such as baking and Zumba. On Wednesday the entire home went to a huge pool for a barbecue and music. The kids were beaming and the Amit staff begin to witness the incredible effect Kol Hanearim has on these amazing children. Thursday morning we all went to volunteer at a food warehouse where the Americans and the children packaged food to be delivered to the less fortunate in several communities. It was really nice seeing our kids giving back to the community and being appreciative of everything they have here at Amit. At night there was a huge party to celebrate all the accomplishments of the children during the year. There was food, dancing, and several performances by the children. It has only been a couple days here in Amit but it is easy to say that the volunteers consider Amit home. It is important for us to recognize that all these amazing kids do not necessarily have someone else in their life that believes in them. That is why we are here. If we can go home knowing that every kid in Amit has someone in America that will always support and believe in them, the summer will be a huge success. Everyone is getting ready to spend Shabbat here at the home and we are so privileged to be in the holiest place in the world. ירושלים. We can’t wait to give the kids the best Shabbos ever. #AmitForever.