What a Ball
Today, each achuzat Sara camper and American volunteers gave it their all in order to win the coveted achuzat Sara 17 World Cup trophy. The competition included a short six game regular season leading up to a one game elimination playoff. Each game was played with passion, high intensity, and most importantly good sportsmanship. The teams were simple, each kvutza played for a different country: alon was Italy, dekel was Portugal, egoz was Spain, and achva was Holland. The regular season took the entire morning spanning from post davening until lunch. After lunch we took a trip to the bowling alley where all competitors had a chance to relax from the heat of competition. The time to relax from the competition led to great bonding between teams as everyone wanted to discuss what had occurred and also talk some friendly smack to the other teams. When we returned to achuzat the competition was back and in full action. Shockingly achva (the youngest team) made it to the championship to play against alon (the oldest team). Despite their best effort achva was unable to pull off the biggest upset of all time and beat the older alon team. Alon won in the championship 2-1 and celebrated their win while everyone else cheered on their efforts. Although my team got out in the first round, they sat on the sidelines cheering on their friends and following the entire World Cup they bounced back and continued to play with a smile on their faces. It was amazing to me that they were such good sports and made the most of their situation. The competition brought out the best in both the campers and the Americans as all competitors came together to play the simple game of soccer.